The Labouchere Roulette strategy is way different than the most roulette strategies. This strategy uses a mathematical formula to provide the player a win. The strategy is not a simple rule which can be used every time but relies on mathematical facts which can improve chances of winning. For that reason, the Labouchere Roulette Strategy is an attractive way of playing the game for players who like to think about their bets. The strategy demands some mathematical insights and is thereby pretty interesting.
What is your goal at the Labouchere strategy?
At the Labouchere strategy setting a goal is really important. The goal will be the amount of money a player wants to win. The systems of Andrucci and D’Alembert does not use these goal settings which makes them endless. The disadvantage of this system is that there will be a certain loss. By this reason, choosing the Labouchere system is a better system to use in terms of limiting loss.
For beginning to play with the Labouchere strategy, it is wise to set a goal for the amount of money a player wants to win. Do not start at 1 million Euro because that’s not real so start for example at 15 euro profit. Once a goal is set, a player starts making a row of numbers which will end in the goal which was set. For example; 1-2-3-2-3-3-1 but it could also be 2-4-5-4. Once a player has done this, he now starts to count the first and the last number in the row and makes the bet. When a player wins he removes both numbers and continues making bets on the first and last number in the row. When a player has lost a bet, he has to place the sum of both first and last numbers behind the row. This will look like this; x-2-3-2-3-3-x-5 and will make a complete new sum of numbers in the row.
For making the amount of spent money a little lower, people can use a subsystem of the roulette strategy. This subsystem will make sure that a player does not have to wager more than he or she wanted to win. This subsystem uses a separated winning line, which can be played, and after that the original row of numbers can be used.