Roulette Grand Jeu 22WS is the ultimate electronic roulette solution from AMATIC. It enables players to participate in a live roulette game from the privacy and comfort of individual video terminals. The 22WS 8 configuration provides space for up to 8 players around the table. Furthermore it can be connected with numerous satellite terminals to allow many more players to join the live roulette. With its beautiful design, made of the finest materials and incorporating only the best electronic components, the Grand Jeu 22WS is built for 24/7 play. Just like the smaller model of the Jeu, this is the grand jeu table 22WS 5

Specifiaction roulette Grand Jeu 22 WS table
The Grand Jeu 22 WS combines all available features of its predecessor and introduces exciting new functions as well. Fitted with 22” touchscreen monitors, a great roulette gaming experience is guaranteed. Alongside with a huge number of innovations and new features, the successful AMATIC Multi game configuration can also be integrated in order to increase gaming fun. The possibility to connect the Grand Jeu 22 WS roulette with a desired number of satellite terminals makes it the most flexible and complete electronic roulette gaming solution in the gaming market.